“Moving Beyond the Challenge of Covid19” Webinar Series with Alan Dolan and Jack Elias

In this series of 4 webinars, you’ll learn powerful techniques for transforming moments of fear and anxiety into skillful action to benefit yourself and others.

We focus on an event (such as a pandemic or illness) as though it’s a static thing. But life is always moving. Every moment is a completely new “event.”

We want to “get past this” but “this” is Life Itself. And we are Life, as revealed in breath and mind in every moment.

The practices of Hypnotherapy and Breath Work can support us living in the creative flow of freedom and liberation so that all of our actions become naturally beneficial to ourselves and others.

These practices come to us through ancient spiritual wisdom teachings as well as through more recent holistic sciences.

4 Weeks, 4 Webinars

Every week, Jack Elias and Alan Dolan will teach you four essential practices of breath and mind.

All of these practices have been thoroughly tested in the “lab” of serving others as well as in Alan’s and Jack’s personal practice.

Learn how these skills can empower you to move beyond any challenge, including Covid-19, with courage and confidence.



Transforming Fear into Freedom:  Breath and Mind Flowing Together

Wednesday, April 29, 2020
12 PM PDT – 8 PM BST



Opening to Life:  Emotional Healing and the Breath

Wednesday, May 6, 2020
12 PM PDT – 8 PM BST



Beyond Self Acceptance:  The Practice of Self Compassion

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
12 PM PDT – 8 PM BST



Shadow Work:  The Secret Entrance to Wisdom

Wednesday, May 20, 2020
12 PM PDT – 8 PM BST


Join us!

In consideration of the potential impact COVID-19 may be having on your finances, we are offering 3 payment options. We trust you to choose the one that is appropriate to your situation. Stay safe. We look forward to seeing you soon!


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