When you are moving through your day in a flowing light hearted way and a trigger suddenly drops you into a contracted pit of anger, do you lose heart or feel resentful?
We often have more triggers than we think we do, and we have familiar triggers that are more tenuous than we expect them to be. Just when we think we have cleared away ‘the’ trigger that has taken us into contracted states like anger and anxiety, we discover a new trigger suddenly pops up to take us there.
Such experiences can be confusing and demoralizing. They may lead us to create new doubts and limiting beliefs about ourselves and our personal growth.
Join us in this 4-part webinar on Wednesdays, from February 15 – March 8, as Jack teaches how to master your triggers and triggered states.You will learn to maintain a sense of freedom and joy so you can enjoy meeting life’s challenges, and create beneficial outcomes without relationship-damaging disruptions.
As a Hypnosis/NLP trainer and longtime Buddhist practitioner, Jack has a unique style of presentation: first he explains profound, transformative insights, then he demonstrates them in a dynamic Q&A with participants. Everyone is included in the learning process.
Each class will go deeper into how to engage your mind’s power to create great benefit and happiness for yourself and others. You will teach your mind to stop supplying power to beliefs and emotions that used to convince you to inhabit smallness, weakness, and invisibility.
Register Now! We are offering 3 payment options. We trust you to choose the one that is appropriate to your situation. We look forward to seeing you soon!
(If the PayPal button doesn’t work in your email, register here: https://wp.me/P6YhXR-2Lt )
Zoom links will be sent to registered students. Recordings of each live webinar will be available to view for 1 week after each class. Watch when you can – no worries about scheduling conflicts!
“Jack teaches from a place of great certainty. He encouraged, and then answered our questions with a wonderful blend of humor, compassion and humility while at the same time cutting through our illusions like a laser.”
– Paul Thomas, Mid Wales Hypnotherapy, UK“I have enjoyed attending many of Jack’s webinars. I never met a teacher who was so skillful at generating discussions in class that cut through confusion on the spot. He helped me to drop my defenses against loving myself and appreciating others.”
– Emerson Jordan, Washington, USA
Week 1
How to Engage the Surprise of a Trigger
WED February 15
12 PM PDT | 8 PM BST
Week 2
How to Stay Open and Flexible in the Midst of a Triggered State
WED February 22
12 PM PDT | 8 PM BST
Week 3
How to Mix and Match Methods to Stay Resourceful Under Stress
WED March 1
12 PM PDT | 8 PM BST
Week 4
How to Integrate Your Resources to Take Down Your Triggers
WED March 8
12 PM PDT | 8 PM BST
Register Now! Choose the option that works best for you:
(If the PayPal button doesn’t work in your email, register here: https://wp.me/P6YhXR-2Lt )
Zoom links will be sent to registered students. Recordings of each session will be available for 1 week after each class. Wacth when you can – no worries about scheduling conflicts!
“Jack Elias is an impeccable hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher. He shows us ways to expand and realize our full potential!
– Ashley H., North Carolina, USA“With Jack’s insightful guidance, the illusion of perfectionism just dissolved and my performance as a group training instructor became fun and effortless! I love these webinars, they help me remember who I really am. Thank you!”
–Josefin L., Stockholm, Sweden
Jack Elias has studied and practiced Buddhism since 1967, first with Zen teacher Suzuki Roshi, then with Buddhist teachers Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. A hypnotherapist and NLP trainer since 1988, Jack is known for his smart, boisterous humor and for distilling profound insights into simple techniques anyone can practice with lasting positive results.
Whether participants interact with Jack directly or witness others interacting with him, they often experience themselves becoming free from fear, blame, shame, and a host of other intense emotional states.