Stop the Shadow Dance of Unworthiness

Have you put a lot of effort into study and therapy without receiving lasting relief? Is it hard for you to wake up enthusiastically to meet the new day, even though you wish you could? Are you haunted by unworthiness and self-doubt?

Do you find yourself wondering why you can’t keep commitments to yourself despite having formed clear goals? Do you find yourself saying, like so many, “I know that intellectually, but it doesn’t help me to change”?

If so, this webinar is for you! You are doing shadow dances with subconscious partners who lurk in your blind spots, keeping you stuck in the same old self-defeating steps. Once you make real contact with them, you will be free to engage in life’s dance with enthusiasm and intuitive ease. 

In this 4 part webinar, Wednesdays at noon PDT, from May 8 – May 29, 2024, Jack will help you dispel the shadows and recognize the exiled parts of yourself that dance in the shadows of your subconscious mind. You will learn how to overcome the festering sense of unworthiness that lies at the root of all mental and emotional pain. You will learn practical ways to bring the light of insight and compassion to these parts of you that have lived in the shadows for so long. Reclaim your power to dance through life with clarity and joy!

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Register Now! We are offering 3 payment options. We trust you to choose the one that is appropriate to your situation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Registration options


Recordings of each live webinar will be available to view for 1 week. Zoom links will be sent to registered participants.

“I am deeply moved by your webinar and the generosity of all who shared their experiences. Your insights knocked my socks off. And I wasn’t wearing any socks! Drama, joy, humor, and the human condition. I want to continue this journey. Next webinar, please!”
– Mark H., Florida
“Jack shared an immense amount of practical knowledge in an interactive and experiential way that allowed us to participate and ask questions. I completed the webinar with the clarity and courage to live authentically. 
Jack helped us all to release limiting beliefs and habits so we can live joyfully free of old nagging anxieties.”
– Andreas A., Cyprus


See Beyond the Blind Spot of Accumulated Knowledge
12pm PDT  |  8pm BST

WEEK 2  
Cut the Root of Your False Unworthiness
12pm PDT  |  8pm BST

WEEK 3  
Build Your Own Doubt-free Worthiness  
12pm PDT  |  8pm BST

Dance Joyfully With Your Shadow Parts  
12pm PDT  |  8pm BST


Register Now! We are offering 3 payment options. We trust you to choose the one that is appropriate to your situation. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Registration options


Recordings of each live webinar will be available to view for 1 week. Zoom links will be sent to registered participants.

“I am forever grateful to you for helping me find my own true self and the magic within! You have helped me find my way out of PTSD from a narcissistic family’s abuse.”                                                              
– Rolinda T., AZ 
“Jack Elias is an impeccable hypnotherapist and spiritual teacher, combining Buddhist wisdom with Western understandings. He shows us ways to expand and realize our full potential!”
– Ashley H., North Carolina 

Jack Elias has studied and practiced Buddhism since 1967, first with Zen teacher Suzuki Roshi, then with Buddhist teachers Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. A hypnotherapist and NLP trainer since 1988, Jack is known for his smart, boisterous humor and for distilling profound insights into simple techniques anyone can practice with lasting positive results.