I am excited today to share with you a YouTube clip that documents the effectiveness of hypnosis for medical anesthesia. It is just a 2 minute clip, but it is from ABC News with Diane Sawyer so it should carry a lot of prestige with the public.

This is Part 4 of a series of posts called, “Everything That Distresses You.”  This series will be especially helpful for helping you to actually enjoy, and deal creatively with, the challenges that being around family can bring mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Overwhelmed by stress? Hypnosis, properly done, can help you override the mental patterns that are producing unnecessary stress for you and replace them with calm clarity and a sense of freshness. Jack Elias gives some basic tips for good de-stressing hypnosis.

I want to share some additional perspectives about my previous post, What Do Thoughts Think About? “Thoughts think about other thoughts” is a subtle topic. Its importance can easily be missed, and working with it can seem boring and pointless in the beginning.

The Buddha said:  “You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” (A thought worthy of daily repetition.) In my experience over 30 years practicing Lucid Heart Therapy & Life Coaching, I have found that everyone’s problems have their root in a lack of self love, and that the obstacle to self love is hypnotic in nature.